306 Creating Inspiring UI and UX Interactions with Storyline
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Tuesday, March 26
Salon 18
Every day you interact with various websites and mobile apps. Each is designed to deliver a certain experience, set the stage for what’s to come, engage you as a user, and keep you returning. They’re also created to surprise you with their flashy colors, interaction, and ease of use. If you want to go beyond simple next/back buttons in your course designs, finding inspiration within these cleverly created user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) interactions is a great place to start.
This session will explore ideas for how outside inspiration can help you create innovative UI and UX in your eLearning projects. You’ll discover where to find award-winning UI and UX designs and then look further into how they are created. Then, using some simple and creative techniques that go beyond typical interaction design, you’ll examine how many of these interactions you can create using Articulate Storyline 360. With a little creative thinking and some ingenuity, you can mimic and adapt these same interactions into various components of the learning experiences you are creating for your clients.
In this session, you will learn:
- Where to find award-winning UI and UX designs
- How to break down the elements within UI/UX
- How to identify elements you can create in Storyline
- Tips and techniques for creating and mimicking UI/UX interactive elements within Storyline
Designers and developers
Technology discussed in this session:
Articulate Storyline 360/3
Tracy Parish
Education Technology Specialist
Parish Creative Solutions
Tracy Parish is an accomplished instructional designer, eLearning developer, and consultant based in the Greater Toronto area. With a unique blend of skills in computer programming, adult education, and eLearning design/development, she has built a successful career in instructional design. With over 18 years of experience in instructional design, development, LMS implementation and administration, Tracy is a respected figure in her field. She is a speaker, active Articulate Community Hero, co-host of the Toronto Storyline User Group and webcast Nerdy Shop Talk, the marketing director for the Canadian eLearning Conference, and moderator of the monthly Twitter event #lrnchat.