Sharing What Works

March 16 – 18, 2016 Orlando, FL

Register Now Includes:

LS609 Online Learning Is Fun Again!

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Thursday, March 17


Palm 5

Despite its growing popularity, online facilitation remains a mystery to many faculty and workplace learning professionals. Often restricted by learning management system platforms, online facilitators feel constrained when designing, developing, and delivering high-impact, high-engagement learning events.

In this session, you will learn how to be more creative in an online environment. You will hear the story of how students in a graduate course on social learning walked away from a university’s learning management system and distributed their learning across multiple social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Padlet, NetVibes, YouTube, Pinterest, and over 20 more locations. The students had a dynamic and learning-rich semester, earning the hashtag, #LearningIsFunAgain. You will explore how to get the best out of facilitated instruction and community-based learning in one flexible model of instruction that can be easily adopted in higher education and workplace learning classrooms alike.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How facilitated instruction can occur outside of a learning management system
  • How to incorporate social media tools into your instructor-led course design
  • How to empower learners to own their own learning
  • How to develop and sustain the four primary relationships in a learner-centered classroom

Novice and intermediate designers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Facebook Groups, Twitter lists, hashtags, TweetDeck, Google sites, YouTube, Pinterest, Skype, Google Hangouts, Netvibes, WordPress, SlideShare, Evernote, BrainShark,, Padlet, Realtime, Board, Jing, and iTunes.

Jeannette Campos

Adjunct Faculty

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Jeannette Campos, adjunct faculty at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, has provided consultative services in the design, development, and delivery of creative learning solutions to clients in the government, nonprofit, academic, and commercial markets. She holds a master of arts degree in instructional systems designs from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. She has also served as adjunct faculty at the National Labor College and the Community College System of New Hampshire.

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