We’ll be testing a new discussion format that enables Alliance members to connect, share, and learn with one another as we explore a single question:

What are some of the most critical questions to ask that can help you assess your learning culture?

Here’s a quick preview of what to expect:

  • At the start of the meeting, we’ll explain the format for the discussion and how we’ll be leveraging the technology.
  • We’ll then provide a bit of context around the question above, and then we’ll separate the attendees into smaller groups of 4-5 attendees each, giving the groups the opportunity to discuss and explore the question.
  • After 15 minutes everyone will be brought back into the main room, at which point we’ll ask the individual groups to share their key questions that emerged from the discussion.

At the end of the meeting we’ll close with a few next steps, and present everyone with a brief survey to give us feedback on what you thought of the experience.

Session Video