107 The Leader’s Guide to Developing People
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM Wednesday, March 16
Effectively developing people requires a variety of tactics and skills. Many managers rely heavily on formal development programs, lacking an in-depth understanding of the ways they themselves can play a critical role.
This interactive session explores a framework describing six modes of engagement and the management actions and behaviors that comprise them. Managers should clarify, coach, challenge, connect, curate, and customize. Using research on cultivating learning culture, scaffolding self-directed learning, and coaching, we will dig into the ways that effective managers ensure that employees continuously strengthen their skillsets and build capabilities needed for the future. The framework can help you encourage effective manager-led development activities; it may also be a useful guide for developmental interactions with direct reports.
In this session, you will learn:
- A research-based framework for manager-led development
- Six critical modes of engagement, along with associated actions, that managers can use to develop employees
- The characteristics and skills of an exemplary developmental manager

Catherine Lombardozzi
Learning Strategy Consultant/Founder
Learning 4 Learning Professionals
Catherine Lombardozzi is a lifelong learning and development practitioner and founder of Learning 4 Learning Professionals. Her work advances the development of people who work in L&D roles. Catherine is an unabashed L&D geek who currently aspires to a writer-beach-walker hyphenate. She holds a doctoral degree in human and organizational learning from George Washington University and is author of Learning Environment by Design. www.L4LP.com