Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video

810 Deconstructing Games: Story Cubes

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Wednesday, June 21


Marina 4

Deconstructing Games is a new series of hands-on sessions where you’ll have the opportunity to play a game and then discuss how the mechanics in play can be applied in your own learning context.

Session Description:
Story Cubes is a creative story game using dice imprinted with pictures. Each player rolls nine dice and tells a story based on the dice pictures facing up. There is no winner, just great fun to be had listening to improvised stories.

In this session, you will explore opportunities for designers and developers to decide how unique pieces of content fit together. You will examine the idea of looking for common threads, deciding what the purpose of a story is, and determining its beginning, middle, and end. Finally, you’ll learn how the Story Cubes structure could be useful in the scriptwriting process.

Novice and intermediate designers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Joan Somerville

Program Leader and Senior Advisor

Canada Revenue Agency

Joan Somerville is a program leader and senior advisor with the Canada Revenue Agency. While she started out her career in social work and then commissionable sales, she eventually moved to the world of L&D through a role in sales management and training. Joan joined the public service in mid-life and founded the Canada Revenue Agency’s first electronic performance support system, KnowHow. KnowHow has spawned three more technical performance support systems and is the largest purveyor of video in the agency.

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