Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video
Mobile Games Video

406 Played by Gamification: Moving Beyond Points and Badges

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Tuesday, June 20


Nautilus 1

Gamification is about using game elements to drive motivation and engagement. Although gamification is most effective when used to drive intrinsic motivation, it is frequently abused as an extrinsic reward system, which hinders learning. Studies have shown that learners seek more rewards in demotivating environments and that players lose interest in an activity after receiving extrinsic rewards. How do you combat bad game design and find the right balance to maintain motivation?

This session will review the most effective practices for gamification, supported by academic research and practical experience. Instructional designers will leave better equipped to leverage gamification in future courses. Some of the best examples of gamification will be highlighted, include role-plays, simulations, and interactive models. Additionally, you will explore the idea that gamification is increasingly being designed as a journey, with meaningful elements such as a narrative, open paths, fun activities, and opportunities to reflect.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About the academic and scientific underpinnings of gamification and intrinsic motivation
  • How to apply gamification techniques in online and offline courses
  • What gamification techniques to avoid
  • About actionable steps you can take to improve your next course

Intermediate to advanced designers, developers, and managers.

Greg Bybee

Vice President of Learning Products


Greg Bybee is the vice president of learning products at NovoEd, where he leads the product solutions, marketing, and learning experience design teams. His team is responsible for designing and building over 200 online programs for university and corporate partners. Previously, Greg built the product management function at Coursera and was a fellow at NewSchools Venture Fund. He also has experience at VMware, Microsoft, and McKinsey & Company.

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