306 How Disruptive Learning Technologies Deliver Higher Knowledge Levels

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 8



There is a lot of mediocre training out there. This can be attributed to a shortage of time and money available to corporate training departments. Many of the DIY development tools currently in use yield passive learning experiences that are not engaging and do not require critical thinking or problem-solving skills. We are out to change that by using game-based technologies to improve engagement and produce measurable results.

In this session, you will explore why game-based learning produces results based on brain science. You will see various game-based development tools and learn how and where they can be most effective. You will hear success stories from actual implementations of game-based learning in the workplace. You will learn about the latest trends in gamification and the disruptive learning trends that are game changers for corporate training. And you will see actual examples of cutting-edge technology applied to solve training challenges to engage learners.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How disruptive learning trends in gamification are improving factual and skill-based knowledge and retention
  • Why gamification and game-based learning are important trends in the changing demographics of the global workforce
  • About game mechanics and platforms for creating immersive 2-D and 3-D simulations for both single-player and multi-player learning
  • How and why video storytelling can be effective for leadership and skills training
  • How and why games drive engagement and how engagement can be measured

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Immersive 2-D and 3-D simulations, video-based simulations, diversity dramatizations, podcasts, and scribe video training programs.

Anders Gronstedt


The Gronstedt Group

Anders Gronstedt, PhD, is president of The Gronstedt Group, which is instrumental in helping global companies like Walmart, Pfizer, Novartis, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Daikin improve performance with their custom-developed multi-player VR simulations and learning games. He is a frequent industry speaker and writer with articles appearing in the Harvard Business Review.

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