311 Promoting the Learning Experience Through User-generated Videos

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Wednesday, June 8



L&D is vital to the continued growth of any organization, but how do you develop relevant content that your employees can relate to? And how do you keep your employees engaged and involved in the process of learning?

In this session, you will see firsthand how Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. utilized a video contest to generate more than 90 training videos in just over 30 days, all of which were created by employees outside of the training department. You will see how these employee-created videos were used in the launch of a new learning management system and how they helped create a positive learning experience for our employees while building excellent training content for our LMS.

In this session, you will learn:

  • About informative training videos done by employees outside the training department
  • How to encourage employees to actively participate in development of training content
  • How to promote training initiatives through training-based rewards
  • How to successfully launch a new learning platform/system by engaging employees in its development
  • How to quickly create and gain training content by including all employees

Novice to advanced designers, developers, and project managers.

Technology discussed in this session:
Mobile devices, including tablets and cell phones; DropBox; and Cornerstone LMS.

Melissa Council

LMS Administrator

Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

Melissa Council works as a learning management system administrator at Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., one of the premier craft breweries in America. In her role, she manages both the learning and performance management systems as well as the design and development of learning solutions.

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