
204 Advancing Job Aids with Mobile and Augmented Reality Technologies

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, October 20

When using print or digital job aids, workers still need to stop in the middle of the workflow to seek help. This can lead to extra time to complete a task, potential errors, and even body fatigue for workers. When mobile and augmented reality (AR) technologies were initially introduced in the learning and development field, the emphasis was often given to assisting training. But what about using them to integrate mobile job aids into the workflow and allow workers to move freely to perform tasks? Studies have suggested applying mobile and AR in job aids could improve people's productivity, reduce errors, and increase motivation while also helping organizations reduce high turnover and training time and costs.

In this session you'll learn how to leverage mobile and AR technologies to accelerate job performance that training fails to accomplish on its own. You'll start with the benefits of mobile and AR for performance support, drawn from studies in industries such as design, assembly, maintenance, quality, and logistics. You'll expand your thinking with six mobile and AR for performance support approaches: retrieving information, guiding procedures, coaching decision-making, interacting according to geolocations, authoring, and bringing in remote experts. You'll then explore what conditions best suit mobile and AR performance support, how to avoid the pitfalls of these technologies, and ways to maximize their adoption. You'll look at technology challenges to consider, including hardware, software, interface design, speed, and environmental issues. You'll then explore the organizational challenges of these technologies, including concerns in work redesign, job role, and employment-related issues. Finally you'll go deeper into evaluation challenges and discuss how to evaluate the impact of mobile and AR performance support and demonstrate ROI.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The benefits of mobile and AR for performance support
  • About mobile and AR performance support approaches
  • What conditions are well suited or poorly suited for using mobile and AR performance support
  • What challenges you'll want to consider when designing, developing, and evaluating mobile and AR performance support
  • How to implement mobile/AR performance support based on the human performance technology (HPT) model

Technology discussed in this session:

Mobile, augmented reality

Yao Huang

Doctoral Candidate

Florida State University

Yao Huang is currently a doctoral candidate in the instructional systems and learning technologies program at Florida State University. Yao's research focuses on human performance Improvement, especially how mobile and augmented reality technologies enhance performance support in the workplace. Yao holds a master's degree in instructional design & technology, and a human performance technology certificate. Yao has more than 10 years of working experience as a learning consultant and business development manager.

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