105 Navigating Today’s Learning Metaverse

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Wednesday, September 30

Emerging Tech


The world of technology and information is changing rapidly. As emerging delivery and engagement technologies, including MOOCs, immersions, games, and badges, are disrupting expectations of relevant meaningful learning and development, new waves of learning technology innovation—wearable technologies and the Internet of Things – are promising to shake things up even more. Will you be ready to step up? In this session we’ll examine the current and emerging learning technology markets to anticipate the skills and capabilities required for success as eLearning professionals.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The role new technologies, such as wearables, will play in L&D
  • How MOOCs, games, and badges are and will be leveraged in organizations
  • How to best prepare yourself to remain relevant in the face of continual industry change

Intermediate and advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, and directors.

Technology discussed in this session:
Nothing specific.

Ellen Wagner

Managing Partner

North Coast EduVisors

Ellen Wagner is an accomplished learning technology professional with career experiences in academic, commercial, and non-profit organizations. She has worked as a tenured professor and university administrator, was a founding ed tech entrepreneur, a senior executive of publicly traded software companies, a journal editor, and a board member of a number of start-up ed tech companies. Her areas of expertise include ed tech, emerging tech, change management, instructional systems design and learning engineering, and digital learning (online and eLearning).

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