203 Exploring the Value of Virtual Reality
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM Wednesday, November 16
Emerging Tech
Virtual reality technology is here and getting better every day. Still, there are a variety of different types of virtual reality platforms that all present different pros and cons for use in training. With technology evolving so quickly, learning professionals need to stay informed of what options are available today, what will be available tomorrow, and what VR means for the future of immersive learning.
This session will explore the latest releases and the emerging advances in virtual reality technologies, including video-based and animation-based VR. Learn about the companies that are investing in VR and where they are focused, and pay particular attention to where they are investing in content. You’ll also explore some examples of VR for learning that already exist, as well as the logical applications for VR in organizational learning.
In this session, you will learn:
- What virtual reality is, and what current VR technologies are available
- What the future of VR technologies looks like, particularly from a learning perspective
- What examples of VR for learning currently exist
- How to get started with VR for learning in your organization
Novice, intermediate, and advanced designers, developers, project
managers, managers, directors, and senior
leaders (VP, CLO, executive, etc.).
discussed in this session:
VR platforms: Oculus Rift, HTC
Vive, Microsoft HoloLens, PlayStation VR, and SilVR Thread.

Koreen Pagano
Founder & CEO
Isanno, Inc.
Koreen Pagano, founder and CEO of Isanno, Inc., is a globally recognized product leader with deep expertise in learning technologies, skills strategy, AI, analytics, and immersive technologies. Koreen has held product leadership roles building go-to-market strategies and technology and content products for learning, skills, and talent markets at Lynda.com, LinkedIn, D2L, Degreed, and Wiley. Koreen previously founded Tandem Learning in 2008, where she pioneered immersive learning through virtual worlds, games, and simulations. She has taught graduate courses at Harrisburg University and provided advisory and consulting services to emerging tech companies in the VR and education markets. Koreen is a seasoned international speaker and author of the book Immersive Learning.