
Due Dates for August 7 & 8 Online Forum

Confirm your commitment by submitting your presenter agreement
Complete and submit the 2024 Learning Guild Online Events Presenter Agreement.


Schedule first preparation session with your producer
Your producer is here to help you! You will receive an email introducing you to your producer. Please schedule your first meeting with your producer where you will discuss your presentation and the producer will familiarize you with the technology and requirements. They can also guide you in online presentation techniques and engagement activities.

due by

Please use a good technical set-up
  • Online Events use primarily Voice-over-IP audio (not a conference call).
  • Please use the best microphone available to you. Quality matters!
  • Please use a wired connection to the internet.
  • Please use a good quality computer.
Due by first
prep session
Submit your session title and description
Your 200 – 250 word session description will be available from the event page. This description includes:
  • One paragraph that describes the issue you will discuss
  • One paragraph that describes how your session will address that issue
  • 3 – 6 short objectives that complete the phrase: “In this session, you will learn:”


Review your biography
  • Your 50 – 100 word biography will be posted on the website. We developed this bio from the information you provided.
  • This bio can include information about you, your education, your experience, or your interesting projects.
  • Your bio should not list your company’s products or services.
  • If you need to make edits to your bio, please send your updates to Karyn Gleeson as soon as possible.

Please review now

Email your photo
  • If we do not have a current photo of you already, please email Karyn Gleeson your photo in jpg, gif, or png format. We will use this both for the website and intro slides.
  • Name the file Lastname_Firstname.jpg (or .gif or .png). For example, Smith_Mary.jpg.


Learn more about the event platform
  • Please learn about Airmeet's technical requirements. You will be screen sharing, and there is no application to download, the platform is browser based and it is necessary to use Chrome.

Please review the technical requirements document now

Meet with your producer to prepare your content and session room
Work with your producer:
  • Schedule your one-on-one prep time with your producer to prepare for your online session.
  • Your technical set-up is crucial and will require a wired internet connection, a good quality microphone, and a quiet place from which to present.
  • Review presentation materials, create polls, test audio and video in the event platform.
  • Because speakers have varying skills and needs, the amount of prep time will vary.
  • Leverage Guild publications, research reports, and other curated content that you might find helpful for your presentation.
Most speakers, even seasoned professionals, may require two to three 30 – 60 minute sessions to finalize the session and technical details.

due by

Subsequent prep dates determined by you and the producer

Participant materials (handouts)
  • Please provide a handout to be used by attendees.
  • Email all handout materials to Karyn Gleeson.
  • Handouts can simply be your PPT slides or you can post job aids, sample files, worksheets, and so on.
  • Please embed all the fonts in your documents, before you send them, to ensure the documents appear as you wish for everyone.
  • Name the file using the event code, session number, your last name, and file version. For example, OLC2408_201_Smith_V1.doc.
  • We will format your handouts with a cover page and convert your files to PDF (unless you specify otherwise); and post your handouts in the event platform and on the Event Resource Page and in our Online Events Archive.
Due by Friday,

Event code=
Final prep session (dress rehearsal or walk-through)
  • Schedule a time for your final prep session with your producer by this date.
  • Ensure all equipment and files look and behave properly.
  • Confirm roles and responsibilities for all activities and tasks.
  • Name the file with your slides using the event code, session number, your last name, and file version. For example, OLC2408_201_Smith_V1.ppt.
Due by Tuesday,
Presentation materials finalized
  • Email to your producer final versions of all presentation files (slides, samples, and demos) for back-up purposes.
  • Email your handout materials to Karyn Gleeson

Due by Friday,
Online room set—audio check
  • Your producer will finalize the session setup to ensure that all configurations are current, and polls are properly set for your session.
  • Log in to test your audio and Internet connection from the location and computer you’ll present from on the day.
  • You may also schedule a final walk-through of content and/or technical steps.
Due by Monday,

Online event
NOTE: Your login will give you access to the Airmeet platform for all the sessions.
  • Join YOUR session at least 30 minutes before start time, or as agreed upon with your producer.
  • Your producer will log in with you to test your audio and answer any last-minute questions.
  • Have fun presenting!

Tuesday 08-07-24


Wednesday 08-08-24

Produced by