The two goals of any eLearning program are to teach learners new information and then to enable them to transfer their new knowledge into their work. Learning transfer is a complex process, and most eLearning designers do not understand the simple steps that they can take to ensure that knowledge does transfer from the computer where the learners learn it to the work place where they need it.

In this engaging session, you will examine the scientific research demonstrating how you can use eLearning technologies to maximize learning transfer and positive behavior change. You will discover the three myths of eLearning and learn why overcoming these myths is critical in improving learning transfer. You will discuss how interactive eLearning, simulations, and social-learning environments can work together to sustain learning transfer and you will leave this session with a concise and useful overview of eLearning strategies that increase learning transfer.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How you can customize eLearning training to increase learning transfer
  • How pre-tests such as measuring a learner’s readiness for change can lead to a much higher learning transfer
  • Three myths that interfere with successful transfer of learning
  • Strategies to encourage executive buy-in on programs that promote learning transfer

Novice to advanced designers, developers, project managers, managers, directors, VPs, CLOs, and executives.

Technology discussed in this session:


Session Video