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Jessica Schlauer

Product Owner Techem Academy

Techem Energy Services GmbH

According to Jessica Schlauer, learning new things, expanding her horizons, and stepping out of her comfort zone are traits she has had her whole life. It has always been a great pleasure for her to infect others with her curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Her professional career in the L&D field started during her bachelor's and master's degree in business psychology, during which time she also spent a semester abroad in New York . She gained varied experience in HR via internships and working student positions, especially in the field of personal and organizational development in various industries such as market research, logistics, consulting & coaching, insurance, and tourism. After successfully completing her master's degree, she started working full-time for Thomas Cook as a learning & development specialist focusing on the global implementation of its digital academy. After 2.5 years at Thomas Cook where she last worked for the group as an L&D consultant in Peterborough, she got the great opportunity in December 2019 to build up the Techem Academy.