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Sara Chizzo

Executive Director, Business Development

APPLY Synergies

Sara Chizzo, executive director, business development at APPLY Synergies, has been an innovator in the L&D space for more than 20 years and is thrilled to bring her experience and passion for the 5 Moments of Need to APPLY Synergies.  While she started out in corporate technical training, Sara quickly pivoted to the learning measurement and analytics space, helping to launch two companies, KnowledgeAdvisors and Performitiv. During that time, Sara built up the commercial teams to help scale up the companies and was a frequent speaker at industry events on the transformative power for becoming a data-driven L&D organization. In between her stints in the measurement and analytics space, Sara worked for Harvard Business School Publishing in the virtual leadership content space and Fuse, a next- gen learning experience platform company. In coming to APPLY Synergies, Sara felt it was the perfect time to apply everything she’d learned and experienced to the already powerful 5 Moments of Need framework. Sara’s job is to introduce this approach to new organizations, help existing clients to optimize the value they see from 5 Moments of Need, and help evolve APPLY Synergies’ measurement capabilities.