
802 Learning After Layoffs

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Wednesday, December 6

Tangerine 4

Maggie Redling

Director of Talent Acquisition & Development


Maggie Redling is a director of talent acquisition & development at Booster, and she runs Wrestling With Talent with Coleman Williams. Maggie knew from a young age that learning was her calling. She was the young girl always playing teacher and, while her students have changed from stuffed animals to employees, her motivation to help others see potential in themselves hasn't changed. Maggie's research-minded brain helps teams choose the right intervention at the right time while her positivity allows her to build quick and meaningful relationships.

Coleman Williams

Director of Culture & Talent


Coleman Williams is a director of culture & talent at Booster. He started his career teaching high school students about business and has since found his passion for helping an organization focus on the future and build a learning culture. It is his role to develop, fine-tune, and implement talent processes and tools to align with business strategy and improve employee experiences. And, in 2020, he joined forces with his tag-team partner, Maggie Redling, to open the doors of Wrestling With Talent.

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