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March 16 – 18, 2016 Orlando, FL

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Learning Guild

The Learning Guild is a community of practice for those supporting the design, development, strategy, and management of organizational learning. As a member-driven organization, we aim to create a place where learning professionals can share their knowledge, expertise, and ideas to build a better industry—and better learning experiences—for everyone. 

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Sessions in Ecosystem Conference

10:45 AM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

As the Spectrum Health University adapted to an ever-evolving health care landscape, the programs and offerings from the organization needed to change as well. Through an analysis of brand, audience and offerings, and a desire to more closely align with the organization’s new strategy, a sizable challenge was undertaken to reimagine the corporate university with the use of social collaborative platforms and the deployment of micro-learning resources.

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10:45 AM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - People

The performance ecosystem is about more than just helping people do what is known that they need to do. In this era of continual change, the only sustainable differentiator will be the ability to adapt, deal with ambiguity, and innovate. This comes from a rich ecosystem, but it takes more. Where the culture doesn’t support sharing, where it’s not safe to contribute, the ecosystem can’t flourish, and organizations can miss out on the opportunity.

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10:45 AM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Content

Today’s market requires faster onboarding; often there is overlap or confusion between process and training. Staff are overwhelmed by information in the initial stages of their performance and often forget or don’t have the opportunity to apply the why and the how of what they have learned in an appropriate timeframe.

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1:00 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

Prior to the integration of its learning information sites into the common learning portal (CLP), the National Park Service (NPS) had over 25 different sites for its various learning programs. This made finding learning information complex for its workforce of over 20,000 employees. Navigation required knowledge of the URLs at various sites and each site had different navigation tools and varied widely in appearance. In addition, social learning opportunities in the form of communities were scattered among various commercial sites.

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1:00 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Content

Have you ever gotten way too much content for a module, but you still tried to squeeze it all in? Do subject matter experts (SMEs) give you too much content and refuse to cut any away, because it’s all important? Do you wish you could just do small modules, knowing it is better for your audience, especially in today’s world of short attention spans and busy participants? You may often get content that others think is easy to put into a module, but there is a better way to please the SMEs and give your audience the best experience.

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1:00 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

You’re excited about the promise of the xAPI-enabled world, but you’ve still got a learning management system (LMS) and a host of SCORM-based courses that you need. But what if you could get the most out of both a LMS and a learning record store (LRS) at the same time?

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2:30 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

Netflix knows what you want to watch because its algorithm interprets audience data and weighs those insights against the content in its library. With each like and click, Facebook continues to build an empire around the idea that social media can be as personal as your name. Every experience is catered to the individual, except the way employees are trained. Calculating the ROI for employee development can be costly and difficult, yet with the 21st century economy becoming more dependent on knowledge workers, on-demand skill development is critical to success.

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2:30 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

JetBlue University (JBU) has recently built a hotel for its employees going through training, and is in the process of implementing a new learning management system with a social learning component. Several of JBU’s workgroups are adopting iPads for use in their workflows. With all of these new opportunities for use in training, JBU needed to look at its current learning landscape, and determine if the current strategy supports where it wanted to go in the future as it relates to training and employee performance.

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2:30 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Content

Students don’t know what they don’t know. This concept applies not only to academics, but to learners in any environment. This means that educators and developers are constantly developing resources that focus on what they anticipate the learner needs. Adaptive learning technologies are now providing the data that allows us to understand specific knowledge deficiencies. This is not only changing the learning environment, but also the process by which content is generated.

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4:00 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

Do you feel stuck in a rut because of outdated learning methods and the limitations imposed on you by your learning management system? You’re not alone. Today’s learning methods and technologies are not adapting quickly enough to keep up with the evolving needs of organizations and the entry of millennials into the mainstream workforce. Though there are many stand-alone technologies available, it can be challenging to know how to organize the various tools under one over-arching learning strategy.

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4:00 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - People

As a learning leader, you want to build a world class learning model. But the problem is you need executive support, funding, IT support, etc. A learning ecosystem that satisfies today’s learner requires changing the conversation with all the stakeholders.

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4:00 PM Wed, March 16

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

By now, learning professionals are likely convinced that curation should be one of their skill sets, and many articles have offered them advice on essential tools and the qualities of good curation. But the articles assume that everyone knows how to search for material on the Internet and how to find and vet a solid set of learning resources to recommend. It’s usually not as easy as typing keywords into the search box and picking a couple of items off the first few pages of results.

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10:45 AM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

In recent years, learning has moved closer to the workplace. Classrooms have moved out of corporate learning centers and into training rooms co-located with offices. Online learning is delivered directly to the desktop more than ever before. The next challenge is to move learning directly into the workflow. To do this, there needs to be a move beyond course delivery and into a broader, more comprehensive, and strategic approach that focuses not just on learning, but on performance and productivity.

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10:45 AM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - People

Employees today don’t just use the Internet—they live in it! And they expect their online learning experience on the job to match their online experience in their digital, highly connected life. Is your ecosystem up to the challenge, or does it seem boring and limited to your learners? We’ve been reading about the wave of new employees in the workforce for years, but have we built the learning and performance support environment that will engage them and help them thrive?

In this interactive session, we will explore how the brain operates and how it expects to seek out, receive, and apply information. Then you’ll learn about specific ways to evaluate your current ecosystem and identify ways to tailor it to meet the needs of your connected employees. You will be able to immediately use this information to evaluate your own ecosystem’s readiness and the five things you can do right now to make it more effective for all.

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10:45 AM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

The current learning environment is massively disruptive, with new learning technologies appearing daily. Focus has shifted from content to experience, and learning strategies now call for a new emphasis on informal learning, collaboration, and user-generated and curated content. Throw into the mix a wide variety of devices and approaches like gamification, and organizational learning has become a very confusing and complicated state.

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1:00 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Content

Organizations are increasingly looking beyond the confines of learning management systems. Where organizations were once focused on content delivery, they’re now switching to user-generated content and more social, connected learning experiences. As devices and sensors are added to the learning environment, datasets have marched toward the realms of big data. Yet, as is so often the case with data-driven strategies, connecting data with action can remain a mystery.

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1:00 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

Training events often fall short of delivering results in the workplace. Training can be too far removed from application on the job, and in many cases there is a reliance on outmoded models that fail to take into account the dynamic environment of the modern workplace. The demand for information and action is accelerating. This paradigm requires a different approach to supporting performance and development, including real-time access to people, process, tools, and content, linked to the unique needs of the individual.

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1:00 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Content

If you taught them this, why don’t they do it? Educational services at Saint Vincent Hospital got tired of hearing this question and started looking for a new learning paradigm for the institution. The solution was found in performance support. By blending learning opportunities and performance support for associates—before a class, during a class, and on-the-job—Saint Vincent is able to significantly impact job performance.

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2:30 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

Many learning and development (L&D) organizations today are well positioned to enable executives within their enterprise to drive change—rapidly capitalizing on emerging changes in technology, process, and skill. However, not all executives outside of L&D view it as an essential, foundational partner. In fact, according to a recent survey of senior learning professionals conducted by the Human Capital Institute, a great challenge facing CLOs today is gaining executive buy-in and overcoming the view of L&D as a cost center.

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2:30 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

The Experience API and emerging technologies afford organizations the opportunity to create adaptive learning ecosystems of functionality to support learners. Designing learning ecosystems and adaptive systems requires a shift in design approaches. While the Experience API can provide common tracking similar to SCORM for a learning management system, it really extends the ability to collect data with value between systems. This intersystem data value, combined with new design approaches, unlocks a number of use cases.

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4:00 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

Choosing an LMS can be wrought with peril. There are many decisions that go into selecting the system that provides the best fit for your company, and there seem to be no end of things waiting to trip you up on your path to your new system. But if you know what to look for, you can avoid the hazards!

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4:00 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

Your learning ecosystem already exists in the resources scattered across your intranet and beyond, but your learners don’t know how to find them. When they are able to access this wealth of information, they are often overwhelmed, leaving the resources underutilized and the employees frustrated and still unable to meet their performance improvement needs. Many organizations have platforms such as an LMS and the content that they want to highlight, but they lack middleware and associated processes to connect the dots.

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4:00 PM Thu, March 17

Track: Ecosystem - People

The struggle of managers to identify the best candidates for the roles within their learning and development (L&D) ecosystem is always an issue, as is cultivating the development of valuable skills and knowledge within the existing ecosystem. The problem can be addressed by detailing the capabilities and competencies that are of the most value and importance in the L&D ecosystem, given the range of experience, degrees (formal education), and certifications available for professional development within the industry.

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8:30 AM Fri, March 18

Track: Ecosystem - Technology

With the advent of the xAPI, a new learning technology product has come into being: the learning record store (LRS). It is a requirement for using the xAPI to track learner behavior, serving as a repository for data generated by the xAPI statements. Stakeholders need to know the basics of how LRSs work and the range of features available in them in order to make intelligent acquisition, ecosystem design, and implementation decisions. In order to use the xAPI, you must have an LRS.

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8:30 AM Fri, March 18

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

Every workplace has a culture. However, the real culture within an organization often doesn’t resemble the mission statement and core values posted in the hallways and on the company’s website. And, if eLearning or knowledge is included in the company’s values, this tends to refer to limited, formal training events, or tuition reimbursement. Learning professionals must understand the foundational impact their efforts can have on the organization and its culture—everything from the way work is done to how employees relate to customers.

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8:30 AM Fri, March 18

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

A multinational industrial manufacturing company recognized that it had excessively high inventory costs. The executive vice president of quality systems engaged a L&D organization to see whether they could help. L&D conducted a thorough needs analysis, harvested knowledge from experts, and developed a solution using five ecosystem components: performance support, knowledge management, access to experts, social networking and collaboration, and structured learning.  

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10:00 AM Fri, March 18

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

Traditional approaches to learning and development are no longer responsive enough to continuously build and refresh the capabilities and skills that organizations and employees need. So workers and business leaders are increasingly looking beyond what their L&D departments have to offer. And those learners are choosing to learn and develop in different ways from a much more diverse range of sources. Meanwhile, most L&D infrastructure is still geared for the same old thing: creating, managing, and delivering formal training.

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10:00 AM Fri, March 18

Track: Ecosystem - Processes

Organizational learning’s transformation is being driven by two forces: technology and the need for business agility. In the industrial era of the last century, training was the default for organizations, as information was not easily accessible and many work tasks were repeatable. Today the opposite is true; information is plentiful and easily accessed and routine work is being automated, creating a greater need for creativity and problem-solving skills. With employees being increasingly comfortable with job movement, social connection must be the new centerpiece.

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